Cody Foor

Good Vibrations!

Sound Healing is the use of instruments or the voice to change the balance of the body from dis-ease or dis-harmony to ease and harmony. A person who practices Sound Healing makes use of the vibrations that instruments create to initiate a healing response from the body. When placed on the body, the vibrations from tuning forks, hand chimes or other sound tools like singing bowls, set up sound waves that travel through the body. Because the human body is made up of roughly 70% water, sound waves easily travel through like ripples in a pond. These ripples can break up physical blocks like tight muscles, or emotional blocks like stuck feelings. Ā The goal of Sound Healing is to use vibrational frequencies specifically attuned to promote relaxation. If you have ever felt overstimulated or over-stressed by a harsh or chaotic environment, think about how good it feels when you step away from that jarring stimulus and replace it with something soothing. Sound waves, provided by sound tools applied directly to the body, can be a powerful agent in creating this transformation. When your body begins to relax, the healing process can begin.